A taste of our education services

Event: "My brain and I: Cerebral passions"
To wrap up an amazing year, we participated in an open event for the youth in Medellín with the support of our partner, the GNA.
Olazabal Center 2022
During the month of December we shared moments with children in La Plata, Argentina.
Tamacha School 2022
Family activities in Tamacha school.
GNA 2022
During 2022 in Medellín, we accompanied three groups of students aged 10-18 years old to explore topics about digital citizenship and sexuality.
FILBO 2022
We had our big launch during FILBO 2022 as we know best: filled with aromas, colors, and games.

We traveled to the bookfair in Barrancabermeja, Colombia!

Video Library
Los efectos de los estereotipos.
Suri y los métodos de extracción en plantas
Pez payaso y la diversidad del reino animal
Suri, la suricata
Taller de Ciudadanía Digital ft. (GNA)
¡Qué diversa es la identidad!
Notiregenurates: Taller sobre La Paz en espacios de educación
Vigías de la igualdad
¿Qué es la educación regenerativa?
La danza del guerrero
Danzar en vientos de paz OG 16: Paz y justicia
Construyamos un filtro
Los caminos del agua. OG 6: Agua limpia y saneamiento
El laberinto de la energía
Sentir y compartir la energía.
G 7: Energía limpia y accesible
regenÜrate is fundraising!